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tv   Headline News  RT  August 3, 2014 7:00pm-7:30pm EDT

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i. condemned the latest attack on a u.n. school in gaza as a criminal act and people died in the incident as israel steps up its air attacks while redeploying ground troops along the border. israel has been bugging the us secretary of state mediated peace talks with the palestinians. russian checkpoints come under fire from ukrainian territory just as european security observers monitoring of the crossing also reportedly hits a family home. on the international probe into the malaysian plane crash.
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in the area where graphic. troops are tightening the noose on government strongholds. coming out the headlines on the week's top stories here on r.t. international coming to you live from moscow it's three am here in the russian capital it's good to have you with us. high level of widespread condemnation tonight over another israeli strike on a un school in gaza at least ten people died they were queuing for food at the gates at the time the u.s. state department says it's appalled by the disgraceful shelling while the un secretary-general ban ki moon called the attack a moral outrage and a criminal act the i.d.f. had earlier signaled that it's winding down its operation along the border how we fear reports from the heart of the conflict i would this is say that the israeli
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air force struck a motorcycle just outside of a proprietary boys school in the rustler city we know that at least ten palestinians were injured we believe all of them were civilians least four children now the united nations has of course condemned this attack but the united nations has made clear that historically and recently it's told us throughout the precise location of this structure and the fact that in this school there are around three thousand palestinian civilians seeking refuge well this is not the first time that a un run school shelter has been attacked in these almost four weeks of deadly conflict in gaza just in the last couple of weeks a handful of other schools have come under direct and indirect fire killing scores of civilians we've been catching up with some of those most severely injured in gases burn unit in its main hospital. it's hard to fathom how
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such a boss devastation can occur in three weeks of fighting. thousands of homes damaged or destroyed tens of thousands internally displaced and well over a thousand killed inside gaza's main hospital in its burns unit are a small fraction of the surviving injured this girl three years all. this israel is demolished the house of this family. so we deceived the girl whose mother two brothers with severe burns. this morning this woman is a very severe condition she is she presented to us about five days ago with her son and her husband her son has been. with severe burns and she's. surviving with a very critical condition the doctors and nurses here look as stunned as the
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civilians who survived in heavily bombarded areas it's hard to imagine how the medical staff can cope with these truly horrendous cases a human being if i see whole families the killed under the rubble of their house the house. and these people and all the families killed in one on the instances i have a child here he was all the time claimed he lost all his families he lost his father his mother his brother is a grandfather and all the time he's crying he wants his father his mother so i closed the door of my office and i sat crying here those that survived this war will have to battle physical and psychological scars for years to come. as for why people use causing these injuries it's not entirely clear. having is very severe the magnitude of destruction of the of the human beings those ones are intended to
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kill mass mass mass casualties of people bodies and faces badly on the ground it feels as if during this war israel is fixed on stopping have masses rockets once and for all regardless of the credible civilian toll. well it's hard to grasp the amount of destruction in gaza but here is a snapshot of how much damage the current operation has done to the city now these a satellite pictures of gaza published by un research organization they show residential areas before and after being bombarded by israel and the off the picture is you can clearly see how entire blocks have been razed to the ground the tenant colonel paid to learn from the israeli army says the i.d.f. is only responding to persistent militant rocket attacks israel continues to be threatened by indiscriminate rockets that are launched by hamas to israel even as
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we speak even during the continued days as we've seen in the last three and a half weeks and they have continued to attempt to attack us through tunnels and indeed we had the incident on friday when two two soldiers and then a third were killed in an attack coming out from a tunnel and this is a repeating occurrence hamas which has hundreds and hundreds of militants are utilizing exploiting the civilian arena just yesterday i have an indication of a number of school that for eleven times during the day rockets were launched from a specific location so it's a huge challenge it's something we are facing but indeed we are determined. that you know isn't your response a bit disproportionate prime minister netanyahu says hamas rulers would pay an intolerable prize if they continue to fire rockets at israel and then options are on the table and we have this huge civilian death toll among palestinians so what options do you think prime minister was talking about when he said that every
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single time hamas has had the opportunity to deescalate the situation with a cease fire every time they've escalated it there would have been no more people killed if hamas would have abided by the internationally brokered cease fire on friday but what did they do they chose to escalate they chose to increase aggression they chose to exasperate the situation and this is an unfortunate outcome but we cannot and we will not. be willing to live under this type of threats. well a campaign which is called protective edge is the deadliest israeli offensive in years in two thousand and eight more than fourteen hundred palestinians died in operation cast lead including more than two hundred and fifty children this time around many more lives have been lost it's already more than eighteen hundred unicef say at least three hundred fifty four children have died in the backyard which shows no sign of ending anytime soon.
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meanwhile germany's der spiegel magazine has revealed that israel spied on u.s. secretary of state john kerry while he mediated last year's failed peace talks with palestine some of the diplomatic cools were made not by scramble channels but using regular phone lines intercepted by israel the details now from the middle east correspondent poulos leah. the german weekly data spiegel says that the israelis as well as at least one secret service agency eavesdropped on the phone conversations of the us secretary of state john kerry it's understood that this was supposed to have happened last year at the height of the negotiations that kerry was mediating
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between israelis and palestinians to try and see a resumption of the very much stored peace talks the magazine goes on to detail that the east dropping happened while kerry was in a plane using a regular satellite phone that had no kind of encryption now kerry was using that phone to talk with his colleagues in the middle east as well as with leaders in china and in russia it follows a series of reports earlier this year and it was published by the newsweek magazine and according to that magazine it outlined a number of cases where israel head eavesdropped and spied on the united states in one reported talks about any israeli spy who hid in an aide to act in a hotel room of the then vice president al gore but it goes on to say that the americans later kept this quiet when they found out that israel was the guilty party at the same time the magazine quotes american intelligence officials who say that israel's it's been knowledge against the united states has now crossed all red
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lines certainly there are a lot of questions that are being asked and will be honest these are two countries that are supposed to be firm friends and it's a very wrong message to the united states if indeed israel is spying on her close ally. or the conflict in gaza has sparked numerous demonstrations worldwide in europe they were mainly against the israeli operation protesters in berlin one palestinian flags and banners denouncing civilian deaths hundreds also gathered in the. palestinians under attack. london thousands marched to voice their anger over the israeli. strikes more than ten thousand took to the streets of paris in support of the palestinian people processing weeks of protests since the start of the conflict and across the atlantic in new york two rallies held. on the same street one israel the other palestine hundreds also gathered outside the white
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house writing banners and chanting slogans in support of gaza elsewhere things heated up in jordan while locals protested outside the u.s. embassy. the israeli offensive. bringing you up to date on ukraine in a couple of minutes including shell shock in the age. of billions of course in the standoff between the army and local militia more not on the week's all the headlines after a short break. the
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u.s. military was built to square off against the soviet union. over western europe but when you take that conventional military and now try to read task it as a counterinsurgency force it creates a lot of gaps and that's the kind of private sector stuff. i marry join me. in part and finance. very contribute and much. only on past and. now they have been a series of incidents at a russian checkpoint on the border with ukraine a russian t.v. crew from these vesta channels as
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a shell fired from the ukrainian side exploded near them earlier on sunday european security monitors confirm they'd witnessed a separate attack that while another shell reportedly damaged a nearby residential home on the russian side with more than his eagle piece going off. a group of always c. observers were at the checkpoint at the time along with border guards and customs services officials and so only a shell had detonated thankfully no one got injured but the federal security service claims that the show came from the ukrainian side and there also we don't know the show had landed in a village nearby also on russian territory and this isn't the first time that russia that area comes under fire as the fighting in eastern ukraine continues and this definitely only aggravates the situation since one person is already being killed by in a similar incidents another show came from also the ukrainian side and we have heard statements from several senior russian officials including before the
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minister will say that so far moscow on these incidents that's what they're warning that if it will be established that these are deliberate attacks a very russian media was. using military perhaps as well. now in the deeply sensitive area around the crash site of malaysian flight seventeen militias report further clashes in the nearby towns of shock. ukraine's president had initially ordered a forty kilometer no combat zone around the area where the plane came down but that's now reduced to a twenty kilometer radius where this week international teams just about managed to get to the scene of seventeen tragedy but only after having been prevented several times because of the continuing fighting then on saturday the experts withdrew from a nearby village after they had artillery fire and anti government forces still blame each other for getting in the way of the mh seventeen recovery and fact finding mission. and these are the latest pictures that we're getting from the
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outskirts of the regional capital done yet one of the main hub the phantom kiev resistance residents are being killed in heavy shelling as ukrainian forces close in on anti government strongholds and the latest military attack on another eastern city of new ganske reportedly left three civilians dead and at least eight injured several buildings including a school in a supermarket also suffered heavy damage. and some disturbing images emerged from the city earlier this week a care home for the elderly was shelled and five residents were killed both sides are blaming each other for the deaths this is one of many examples of populated areas being attacked president petro poroshenko had previously vowed the civilians would not be targeted ukrainian military forces the national guard and other units would never allow themselves to do harm to civilians ukrainian soldiers will risk their own lives but won't ever threaten women children and elderly men this is the eternal chivalrous nature of the ukrainian army well that's the official line
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but a u.n. report released this week has raised the alarm over the growing number of civilians being killed by shelling in eastern ukraine it says not enough is being done to protect them locals are devastated by the ongoing fighting i mean you can you see. for yourself when you get your morning. you look up to you cover. this is a different part of the. phrase structure you know what i want you to go when you. grow you're going the only. door. there is that i will go look.
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if you're. really. looking. for support you will reach for the little to do. with your. first. meeting as it was the movie you don't perceive was literally i just thought . it was the ukrainian crisis unfolds the mainstream media across the atlantic seem to be focusing on just one person the russian president granted you can takes a look at where the american media is real interests lie. president obama said he does not believe this growing tension with russia could be the beginning of a new cold war no. no it's not a new cold war one could only wish turn this thought the same or at least those who are making covers of magazines because some of them hark back to the cold war as if they were made back in the day no matter how complicated an issue you can be almost
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certain that the media are going to boil it down to personalities well with ukraine it's one personality the russian president what does he do when he's working all for an outdoor adventure and why don't we see him smiling very much he's not really driven by by women. we're distracted by alcohol he's very tough he's a very arrogant. person to deal with and what kind of diplomacy can you expect moving forward when diplomats use this kind of language this is the you came back to the united states speaking to me three adjectives you'd use to describe a lot of your proof. i'm not a poet but. i think. dishonest afraid comes to mind because we've had all these lies. but i think that's a reckless to makes one wonder if they really want to solve the problem or if they're good with the current state of affairs the media focus on the russian
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president has had its effect on twitter where users came up with a hash tag. and now many use it to comment on pretty much anything it didn't rain in my country today i blame poison for it or a mosquito just bit me blame putin and then to the report that former georgian president saakashvili doesn't want to go back to his country to stand trial and says he blames putin this use of goes if you are in trouble just doing. it in washington i'm going to check out our. the strongest sanctions against russia since the cold war have been put in place over the ukrainian crisis america's latest measures stop some of russia's banking heavyweights from operating in the united states now on the list russia's second largest bank of which also operates in europe asia and africa as well as its subsidiary bank of moscow russia's agricultural bank which funds the farming sector has also been targeted and the united shipbuilding corporation which is the country's largest holding falls under
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the punitive measures as well but the u.s. senate isn't unanimous in his support for sanctions you know after it. fell there was a tremendous potential to making russia our friend of tremendous potential they withdraw their troops from eastern europe. the russians. were open to all kinds of interacting and being come in part of the world community and a horrible tremendous opportunity i should say was squandered. well brussels has also barred some of russia's banks from trading in european markets it put the country's biggest and oldest bank in the firing line the energy sector is also targeted western know how and equipment for offshore fuel exploration is under embargoed for russian companies arms sales are also restricted in two thousand and thirteen russia's global weapons export market was worth about fifteen billion dollars analysts tell us that the measures are
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a two way street and european businesses should prepare for cuts as well now estimates in germany suggest it could lose six billion euros in exports to russia this year alone as moscow's number one a huge trading partner berlijn has plenty at stake the annual turnover between the two comes to some seventy six billion euros six thousand german companies operate in russia and that could have a far reaching effect on hundreds of thousands of german jobs dependent on business with russia economist michael morris believes europeans will have to pay the price for this political gamble when you talk to the people on the street when you talk to people who have a run a business or executives in a big company there are not for the for the sanctions i can tell this to you because sanctions never a one way street you have always a reaction to a sanction and when it comes to this imposed sanctions or the sanctions it will be imposed on russia then of course the germans are the ones who are suffering was
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this easy for united states to. force the engines but the ones who are suffering are the germans or those countries who are close through russia because they naturally have the biggest business implications. and on our website we've got more analysis and perspective on what repercussions the fresh sanctions have for the global economy also on r.t. dot com you are not seeing double here is a parade in the united states that's only for the twins head to our website for more details of that event. also that all the women of prayer leaders of germany's three largest religions are set to build a joint place of worship now all they need is the money and they're trying to get people to donate the nearly fifty million euros needed online you can see all the details are called.
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migrant workers and cats are who have been building the luxury offices for the organizers of the two thousand and twenty two world cup haven't been paid for a year some are stranded in the gulf state without paperwork after their employer went bust britain's guardian newspaper has been investigating how forward workers are ensuring conditions described as inhumane and as modern day slavery discovered how they were living in unsanitary conditions with power cuts and up to ten men living in tiny rooms well working six or seven days a week for ten hours in scorching heat many have reportedly died of heat stroke and cardiac arrest the investigation also discovered how their id papers are illegally taken from them and no medical care is provided salaries were apparently paid for the first few months but then the money stopped. from the international trade union confederation believes other governments have chosen to turn a blind eye to the situation. look at tower is a slave state it some more than days late state you're up on by one person
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so your contract is signed before you leave your home country but when you get to the employer can often simply tear it up or not pay you wages or trades you in any oppressive way they like work as above desperate for working poor countries so most of these migrants are from nepal india the philippines parts of africa and i don't understand because nobody tells them what they will face when they get ticket . it's not given enough attention by international governments companies governments they can stuff like ticket we don't want to work with you and t. you change the words until you abolish the foulest system until you put in place fundamental like the right. to so much today's world news now and an intense earthquake which hit southwest china is now known to have killed at least three
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hundred sixty seven people i mean good nearly two thousand others in the six point one magnitude quake quake cracked open and toppled buildings forcing people to rush into the streets for safety and some survivors describe seeing nothing but ruins and buildings reduced to rubble the state news agency says it's the strongest to have hit the human province in fourteen years. militants from the jihadist group islamic state have continued their arms sweep through iraq taking control of the country's largest they've also taken three more towns under their control as well as an oil field overrunning the dam is a major coup for the militants who can use it to stage attacks on yet more cities formerly known as isis the islamic state has declared a caliphate over a large swathe of land extending from southern syria deep into iraq. in the middle east. and two civilians have been killed in northeastern lebanon the syrian rebels
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clashed with the army thirteen security force members were taken hostage by the militants. militias have attacked several military checkpoints on the border as they try to release a fighter held by the lebanese army. and heavy rain to blast southern europe bringing areas and a handful of countries to a standstill in northern italy at least four were killed and more than twenty injured when a flash flood tore through a festival two people have drowned in bulgaria more than nine hundred from their homes when a river burst its banks and floods have paralyzed the turkish city of istanbul backing up traffic across the city. next to a chance to get a look behind the scenes at how we get the latest news to you here on holiday the latest episode of news team is coming up in just a few minutes stay with us. a
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few weeks ago we discussed detroit's plans to shut off water to those who can't pay their bills logically one of basic human assess that he could get taken away some protesters gathered to give their opinion on the issue at our plaza and what is the response from the state maybe some sort of dialogue or explanation as to why they have to turn off the water you know they turned up on the high tech quote non lethal weaponry against the protesters they used an el red system which basically blasted the protesters with sound which sounds but intended humane until you look into it and read that the weapon can cause permanent hearing loss the company even admits this is true at less than fifteen meters we see all across the country so-called non-lethal weapons being used to very harmful and even to well we thought ns but why does this happen because they make breaking up protest easy unsafe for the cops remember in the old days when you had to physically break up protests well
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things like el read allow any coward to just flip a switch to disperse a crowd with not a drop of blood visible and the fact that it seems not harmful as the police to be justified in using it whatever they want for the sake of the constitution i think no police forces should be able to use this technology but that's just my opinion. in fish farms waters do you have a pond to me because. i size spread all over and over is the most toxic food you have in the whole world. profit drama zones in the fischel inquiry furthermore those restrictions. are. really knows what's inside the.
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it was a. very hard to take up. arms against. a plan that has sex with that there's no.


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